Sunday, September 26, 2010

Diary of a POW

01 November 1939; 11:30pm
I am worried about my wife and children outside. How are they doing out there? I was being captured by the Japanese soldiers few weeks ago and was held in this damp and dark room. My parents were shot to death as they resisted the arrest by the Japanese soldier. I wonder who will help me bury them. My wife and children managed to escape away safely and is now somewhere outside. Everyday there were at least one of them who were dragged out and prosecuted by the Japanese and I am worried that soon it will be my turn. Even if I am not prosecuted by them, I may probably starve to death sooner or later due to the lack of food and the hard work I have to do everyday.

Hello. We will be posting one part of the story every two days about this Prisoner of War.
Stay tuned to any updates.

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